Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving/Днем подяки!

Thank you all for being in my life. I could wax poetic about what it means to me to have the family and friends that I do, but then I would cry, and I'd rather make you laugh instead. So here is a list of titles that describe moments of my life and impressions of these experiences in Ukraine. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to write stories to accompany these titles. Some of you have heard sneak peaks from me, but you must decide what to do with the power of your information (creativity and misdirection are encouraged):

The man coat and hysterical laughter;
slumber parties with 60 some-things;
Squirrels (capitalized);
Hansel and Gretel and the wicked witch of hair-drying;
social life lamer than 16 year olds (ok, you can probably figure that one out yourself);
Sara and the (red, knock-off, Armani) purse;
History man: a lisp, 9 fingers, and a pumpkin;
steaming jeans and boiling water;
The Tragedy of Olga’s son (this one's actually not funny at all, but provides a sobering reminder of the everyday lives of Ukrainians);
The Arch of Friendship and a couple of beers

Love and a vodka toast to your health!

1 comment:

  1. The new photos show a sharp contrast between tourist spots and scenes from your everyday life. Thanks for sharing.
    As an ode to your request, I have a toast for you:

    When the winds blow through the Arch of Friendship,
    May you always be warm in your steamy jeans and oversized cast-offs.

    May your locks nary be singed,
    Nor your faux designers be hijacked.

    And in the land of the sycamore tree,
    May the squirrels roam free
    Feasting on pumpkins and vodka.

    Cheers to your health
    Cheers to your health
    Cheers to your health

    Remember, practice makes perfect!
    Much love, xomomxo
